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2nd Blogaversary

March 2024

Two years ago this month I started blogging about my journey through Ateez's lore and storyline. I can't believe it has already been two years!

This year I didn't get to see Ateez in concert again, but they have done some pretty amazing stuff including hit number 1 on Billboard 200, and I just know we will get US tour dates after Coachella is over (maybe not right after, but they are bound to release them at some point, right?).

I have made more close Atiny friends and they have introduced me to a couple more boy groups so I could slowly learn more about Kpop in general. I went to a cup sleeve event for Crazy Form and got to meet some pretty cool Texastinys who make Ateez merch.

I added a diaries section to my blog because they got too long to summarize them in my posts but this way, people can read the actual diaries if they want to, so they can make their own theories.

This happened!!

I still can't believe it, honestly.

I got to interact more with my fellow loretiny friends through my blog and learn about their theories. Some of those are what I wanted to share with you today since you may not be reading the comments on my posts and you aren't privy to some of the amazing discussions I have been having through my bog's chat feature.

Excerpt from Cordelia Delauney on the Spin Off: From the Witness post: "I have become firm in the belief (as of this moment) that "the little blue bird that lost its voice" is referring to the Grimes girl. And if the people in blue are part of the rebel faction/those who have reclaimed their autonomy and emotion (a group the Grimes siblings are a part of), then it stands to reason they may also be referred to as "blue birds" within the context of this world. And that, of them, "the one that lost its voice" is the one that (to Yeosang) set off the cascade of events that would ultimately "overturn the world." (Y'all, her whole comment is really good and well researched so you should go read it)

Excerpt from Framke Bogerd on the Spin Off: From the Witness post (but this is really about Cyberpunk): "'Cyberpunk' is a tabletop rp-game. 'It has its own timeline, which splits from the real world.' It's pretty hard to explain without 'seeing' it, but it's about getting freed of a world where normal humans are nothing but consumers (so no art, emotions, etc). As cyberpunks, the players embrace body modification, cybertech, and bioengineering. They live by four tenants:

  1. Style over substance.

  2. Attitude is everything.

  3. Always take it to the Edge.

  4. (Break) the rules.

It's originally from the late 80's. Which makes sense when you see the tenants; you won't get a better resume about that era. ;) So, even though there's no MV, it really makes sense that this song exists on this album..."

Excerpt from Melissa Cassick on the Spin Off: From the Witness post: "Jongho sings the line about the voice that will overturn the world and I think it means his own voice: the return of music. I think Hongjoong's line "when waves are made in this place the movement goes on forever" could be a reference to sound waves."

Excerpt from a chat with Miu about The World Ep.2: Outlaw: "Can't wait for June 16...I was actually having a discussion with my friend last night about the new poster that came out. Members faces covering HongJoong's poster, as if they are together trying to protect and hide HongJoong. The fact that this time it's called "OUTLAW" could imply that this album might be focused on how ATEEZ is chased down by Androids and ATEEZ's effort to protect their leader. Also for the möbius loop theory about the storyline, that could be linked to the fact that the Cromer is shaped like a möbius loop and turning the loop upside down means traveling to the other side of the loop?"

Excerpt from chat with Hannah D about Halateez: " thought would be that through the original Halateez giving Ateez their Black Pirate outfit, they (Halateez) transferred their souls into ATEEZ. Which, would kind of make sense since Ateez, in the newer releases (such as Bouncy and Crazy Form) seem much more confident in themselves. (I also have no idea where either of those MVs are placed in the storyline, so that theory may be completely null, but I may be able to look into it a bit more.) So it would make sense if the souls, and, ultimately, the wills of Halateez were transferred to Ateez...maybe the will of Halateez was the factor that was able to send Ateez farther back into the past in order to get the Cromer and save Yeosang."

Excerpt from urte.vaic on the The World Ep. Fin: Will Part 1 post: "As I was scrolling through Ateez's facebook, I came across the post about their world tour. So you know how the Ateez's 2024 world tour is called "Towards The Light: Will to Power"? In their Fin. Will album they have the song Silver Light, in which the lyrics convey the light they follow to a paradise. And it seems strange, how the world tour is called "Will to Power". Could it mean, that their next album/album series will have something to do with reaching the light and gaining more power against the corrupted government, making more people awake and reaching that paradise?"

Excerpt from sofia k on The World Ep. Fin: Will Part 1 post (this was actually added into my post with sofia k's permission because I felt like it was something I missed that everyone needed to read): "In color psychology, silver-colored light: '...helps with the cleansing and releasing of mental, physical, and emotional issues and blockages as it opens new doors and lights the way to the future.' Silver is also referred to as the metal of emotions, healing, and love."

Excerpt from Carey Velazquez on The World Ep. Fin: Will Part 1 post: "I love the message they've been giving throughout The World Series. And this message can be applied to government officials or lowly fans like us. Everyone has THEIR OWN WILL. You can't force anyone to do or believe anything or the way you want them to. It's more complicated that I'm glad ATEEZ are out here reminding us all."

Excerpt from chat with Meahsii about the bugs in Not Okay (this was actually added into my post with Meahsii's permission because I felt like it was something I missed that everyone needed to read): "I spent an inordinate time studying the bugs too, (I don't mind most bugs) but my conclusion was that they were beetles. Shiny iridescent beetles. And this is a Japanese song release. So I figured they were Japanese beetles. The colours and size seemed to match. They're so cute!! But they eat everything and are a huge pest lol. I wonder how that difference would factor in to your research; Japanese beetles vs ticks. It was a very interesting scene in the MV."

I need to take this opportunity to talk about Carey. She has spent the last year helping me edit my blog posts, because I have dyslexia so sometimes don't realize I have spelled words wrong (some words end up as correctly spelled different words and don't get a red line under them to point them out to me). In fact she is going to have to read this post before I release it and see me talking about her here. Mwahaha...She is also someone I bat ideas around with before even writing my posts. She pushes me and challenges me and may have different opinions about some lore things, but let's me have the autonomy to write the ideas I land on. She ALWAYS has her prism in the front of her mind so I don't forget about it but refuses to write about. 😉 So a special thank you to Carey for being such a great partner!!

Thank you all again and happy 2 years blogaversary!

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Apr 23, 2024

Happy Blogversary!!!

I read you and you are so smart… you connect things amazingly, and make it easy for the lazytinys 😬. Thank you 😊

Apr 23, 2024
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Thanks so much!


carey velazquez
carey velazquez
Mar 22, 2024

👀 😜

Happy Blogiversary friend!! It’s been so much fun having someone to talk lore with. And I’m very thankful to find you, you keep my brain organized. Because as we know, they’re storyline is complicated.

ATEEZ … what else is there to say. So much, but mainly…thank you ATEEZ. For bringing us all on your pirate ship and opening our minds to the world, friendships, and music. 🎶 🧡🏴‍☠️💎

Mar 22, 2024
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I’m so grateful for you and for how you push me! 🥰


sofia k
sofia k
Mar 20, 2024

ahhh happy blogaversary!!! and ty for the mention <33

you're definitely my source for all my lore knowledge and have been since i first got into the lore (thank you halazia). thank you for doing what you do <3

Mar 20, 2024
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Honestly talking to fellow loretiny or those just interested in the lore is my favorite part of writing this blog! Thanks for interacting! 🥰

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