Hi! I'm Paisley, a baby Atiny who is just trying to figure it out.
I am very new to K-Pop and found it through Ateez, so I am not very knowledgable of other K-Pop groups or the K-Pop world as a whole. I have found a few Atinies in Atinyville who I have enjoyed messaging and I am very grateful for their tutelage when it comes to prepping or a comeback, because it is work I tell you.
I have a friend who is Army and we have shared our love for our groups with each other in a collaborative, respectful way that brings us joy and allows us to share in our groups' successes. That being said, please do not use this blog to start or contribute to any fan wars. They are not life giving to any fandoms or to the members we all love. I look forward to connecting with anyone who wants to share.
P.S. I am not that good at the "socials" so I only have Twitter. @Paisley1117